Grindstone Lake Loon Watch

Grindstone Lake Loon Watch

Our purpose for conducting loon watch on Grindstone Lake is to support the efforts of Northland Community College in collecting loon population data to help in the protection of loons and their aquatic habitat.

A look back at 2020

Loon observations on Grindstone Lake started immediately after ice out on April, 30th.  A large number (28 adults) of loons were spotted migrating through our area in the open basin area of the lake.  Weekly monitoring of loon numbers continued throughout the summer with an average of 10-13 adult loons being spotted weekly.  Two chicks where also hatched on our lake by two separate pairs of adults.  One chick was born in the area near the Islands with the other hatching in the Little Grindstone channel area.  Both chicks made it through the summer to the fall migration.  There was a rather tense incident with one chick getting entangled in fishing line and requiring rescue by a few heroic lake owners along with some help from a local bird rehabilitator.

Towards the end of August, migrating loons once again traveled through Grindstone Lake feeding on baitfish in the main basin of the lake.  The highest number of loons counted on one day during the fall migration was 27 adults.  The fall migrating loons stayed around for 2.5-3 weeks before moving on during the month of September.

Looking ahead to 2021

Once again Grindstone Lake Association will be monitoring loons on our lake.  If you are interested in volunteering you can contact Sean Humphreys at  More information about loon watch and the lake monitoring program can be found at Annual Lake Monitoring Link.  There is a short Loon Ranger orientation to go through and you can officially become a lake monitor.  Dates for this year’s online training are April, 17th and May, 15th (see lake monitoring link above for more details). Multiple Rangers per lake are allowed so don’t hesitate to sign up.  Loon Watch is a great way to spend an hour or two driving around the lake looking for some of our lakes most magnificent birds.

Even if you don’t want to officially register with loon watch you can obviously still enjoy the loons on our lake.  Look for large migrating flocks shortly after ice out and returning towards the end of August/beginning of September.  During the summer months Loons can often be found around the islands, Center Bar, and near underwater reefs with small bait fish.  You may even be lucky enough to have them swim by the end of your dock!  Have a great summer enjoying our lake’s natural wonders and remember to give loons with chicks extra space when boating.